It's already 2012! SEKITO Clinic comes back when you really least expect it.

An update after a year and four months!! Hi everyone, it's Yamanaka.
As for an update after a year and four months, as the title “SEKITO Clinic Returns” implies, I can't help but think this blog is also ripening along.
Well, today, as a late commemoration for the distribution of Imaginary Range episode 2, I'd like to share a music demo from Imaginary Range, as well as an illustration from Toshiyuki Itahana, the designer in charge of the comic portion.
And we shouldn't forget this blog's owner, Mr. Sekito (aged 49).
Well, let's hear him go on about today's music demo “Chocobo Chaser”!

Hi everyone, how have you been? A year and four months?! A new-born baby turns a year and four months old, a 47-years-and-6-months-old guy turns 49! Feeling awkward like after opening a time capsule buried in elementary school, Sekito here. (Haha)
Now, I would like to talk about when I was working on music production for Imaginary Range episode 2, a free app for smartphones. The sound director of the previous and this episode, as I'm sure everyone knows, is Yasuhiro Yamanaka. I composed two tracks, but he is the one who created their Imaginary Range-ness. The kind of atmosphere of a melody with electronic instruments at its core following the fantastic world is just wonderful.
In this Chocobo Chaser BGM, the A melody by the nostalgic PSG sound source (short wave?) in very tight rhythm is quite striking, and the last half just comes alive.
The game itself is also worth playing and quite fun. If anyone hasn't played the game yet, please try it!
Moreover, I've heard there is a newly drawn illustration from Mr. Itahana celebrating this blog's update! Thanks a lot!! I guess I'd better update again soon, wahaha!!
Well, until next time, I look forward to seeing you here again!

Tsuyoshi Sekito

We've also got a comment from Mr. Sakamoto, project manager of Imaginary Range.

Thanks to everyone, we now have over five hundred thousand downloads between the iOS and Android versions of episode 1. Thank you!
Episode 2 is now released, too, so please try it out!
Oh, by the way, it seems that there is a hint for episode 3 in the gallery mode of episode 2… Please take a look at Mr. Itahana’s comments in the game.
I'll be counting on you.
The latest Imaginary Range news can be found here!

Imaginary Range NEWS

Koichiro Sakamoto, Project Manager of Imaginary Range

…Ok then, everyone, here is the illustration from Mr. Itahana!

He's jumping the gun on the season, but it's downright cute!

And here is the beautiful music demo from composer Tsuyoshi Sekito!
“Chocobo Chaser” from Imaginary Range Episode 2

Plus a bonus demo from Mr. Yamanaka!
“Title 1” from “Imaginary Range Episode 1

Imaginary Range”, sounds very interesting.

“…But this app is expensive, right?”

No, this app, with its various contents, is totally free (FREE!)!
Interested? Not interested? Let's download it anyway!

Please take a look at the SQUARE ENIX sound staff blog, too!


I would like to thank everyone who has been reading “Return of Sekito Clinic”

Good evening. This is Marushi , a promotion staff.
I would like to thank everyone who has been reading “Return of Sekito Clinic” for whole month.

Looking back, this blog has improved from “almost everyday update” to “everyday update”, and it went smoothly until the final day of this blog.
For the final day, Mr. Sekito ,Mr. Yagi. And Mr. Yamanaka has greetings for everyone about this blog.

Greetings from Mr. Yagi
Good evening, this is Yagi, event planner.

“Return of Sekito Clinic” has just been a month since the first day.
Today really is the final day for the blog.

When Mr. Sekito asked me that “I would love you to do the commentary session with you for the music for event sequence” for this blog, I was worried that what I should be writing for this commentary. But I managed to finish this with the constant struggle of looking back the past memories. I would like to thank all of the reader who has been reading this blog until this final day.

On this final day of this blog, I would like to say that I want everyone to have a great fun playing “THE LAST REMNANT”.
I hope to see all of you sometime very soon.
Thank you very much!


Greetings from Mr. Yamanaka
Good evening, this is Yamanaka.

Finally, the blog “return of Sekito Clinic” has come to its end!
We used to struggle with our comments that not knowing what to write about.
But as this blog continues, we began receiving many encouraging messages from everyone. I started enjoying and having good time writing after that!

Thank you so much, everyone!

I hope to see you very soon.


Greetings from Mr. Sekito
Good evening, this is Sekito.
It is now on the final day for the blog. Has everyone had a good fun on this blog?

We have started hoping that it would be great to update every day for the blog.
As soon as we have started, I realized that t is actually so much fun doing! LOL
4 weeks flew by for only a blink of an eye. We have had a lot of ideas from Mr. Yagi, Mr. Yamanaka, and Marushi for the blog.

I am a classic optimistic guy most of the time, but I feel a little down from time to time. LOL
When I feel a little down, I must look back about this blog that I have had so much fun with.
Finally, I would like to thank to the people who have been reading this blog, who have sent us encouraging messages, and who have helped us to work this amazing blog for us.
Thank you very, very much!!!

And also…
This weekend on Dec 20th, “Jump Festa in 2009” is held in Makuhari Messe, Japan!
On Dec 20th approx. 14:00pm, Mr. Sekito is going to show his appearance in “Jump Festa in 2009” at Square-Enix Music booth.
We will be waiting all of you at Makuhari Messe.

Please do not throw something at me in the convention! LOL


Greetings from Marushi
As Mr. Sekito mentioned on his comment,
Mr. Sekito will be appearing at the convention of “Jump Festa in 2009”, which is free entrance, in Makuhari Messe, Japan!
This might be a great opportunity for meeting Mr. Sekito for everyone!

He will be appearing at Square-Enix Music booth,”Jump Festa in 2009”. His appearance time would be approx. 14:00pm.
At the Square-Enix Music booth, we will also be selling CDs of Square-Enix Music.
If some of you are still not planning of doing anything on this weekend, please feel free to visit Square-Enix Music booth! We will be selling “THE LAST REMNANT” soundtrack as well!

Again, I have just managed to do a promotion for you until right at the end of this blog. LOL

I really hope to see everyone sometime in the future!

Thank you again for reading this blog for whole month with us!

Thank you

Marushi Akio, a promotion staff


Disc3 22nd track-27tht track commentary

Good evening!
From 20th Nov, the release date of “THE LAST REMNANT”, simultaneously we started this blog with the limited period of 4 weeks. We had sustained updating almost everyday for this blog, and today is the final day for this blog.
During 4 weeks period, we have had 2-30,000 hits of viewing for this blog.
I appreciate all of you who have been reading this blog, and I feel grateful for having a success on this blog. I would like to thank all of you.

Well, we would like to finish this glorious final day for this blog with the interview from the executive producer of “THE LAST REMNANT”, Mr., Kawazu!
He was kindly enough to give us an opportunity for our interview with him.

Thank you

Good evening, this is Kawazu.
It has been almost a month since the release for the game “THE LAST REMNANT”.
Has everyone understand the meaning of the word “THE LAST REMNANT”?
In fact, the title “THE LAST REMNANT” is fully related to the scenario of the game which I think is an unusual for the game title for the recent SQUARE-ENIX games.

I have also been enjoying playing “THE LAST REMNANT” as we speak. My plan is to play the game with no attendance on unnecessary “quest” playing, and no relying on infantry of Athlum.   
But I have to admit that my plan was reckless and I am now overwhelmed by the power of the army of conqueror.

I am impressed with such an enormous amount of tracks on the soundtrack.
I wonder if I can actually hear all the tracks from the soundtrack during the game play…
As I listen to the music on the soundtrack, it really brings out awful memories from the game play. The memories that when I went into the battle, thinking that I was fighting against just a small fish. But during the battle, the music was somehow different from normal battle. As I was thinking that “there is something wrong here!?”, the next thing I saw on the screen was that the word “Terminated” ,then soon after the word ”game over”, and a few minutes later, I ended up watching the game title screen for over and over again …Let us forget the past like that.

While the game was under development, I was playing the minimum volume for sound.
I could not appreciate stunning sound production that our sound department has created for the game. Now as I am playing the finished product of the game, I enjoy the game with the maximum volume for the sound!
Both battle and event scene is 3 times better and more enjoyable with this great music.
I am thinking to enjoy the soundtrack while I am driving a car.
I hope that everyone would enjoy and have a great fun by listening the soundtrack!


Well, the final day for our commentary session begins with 22nd track of Disc 3.

Let us begin!


【Mr. Yagi comments;】
Each phrase of the music create very lyrical mood in the event. The player would appreciate the scenario that describes the beginning of the time and end of the time in the world of “THE LAST REMNANT”. I would recommend for you to see the world view of “THE LAST REMNANT” through listening to this particular underscore.


【Mr. Yagi comments;】
The music progresses from very subtle movement to stormy, furious movement in the music. The music captures the anger, agony, and compassion and some kind of generosity feeling of the characters. You would feel despair of the future when you come across with this event.

■24.The Final Sacrifice

【Mr. Yagi comments;】
I would rather not to comment of this piece, as I might spoil the meaning of this event.
I highly recommend the player to think and see through the event what the characters sacrifices themselves for, what are the consequences for their act, and what is the cause and effect from their act.

■25.Journey's End

【Mr. Yagi comments;】
I think nobody could decide whether each character`s act is a judicious or foolish.
Yet, I think that sometimes characters need to face the consequences and take some responsibility in some situations.
I, as lead event planner of “THE LAST REMNANT”, would feel extremely lucky if the player could feel and consider the importance and sacrifices that they made by seeing each character in the event.


【Mr. Sekito comments;】
For this composition, I composed several variations of themes for each character, written as medley, by following the progression of the scenario of “THE LAST REMNANT”.
You might be able to recapture the memories of your own adventure in the game by listening to this medley. I would love the player to enjoy the moment of your achievement during the game play by listening to this medley.

■27.Overture: TGS 2007 Mix

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
This music was written when we produced the promotion movie for Tokyo Game Show in 2007. I am personally very happy with the outcome of the perfect production and its coolness.
What is THE REMNANT? What the future of the character “The conqueror”, “Rush”, “David”, and “Irina” awaits?
I really hope that the player would enjoy playing the game and find those answers.


Disc3 track17-track21 commentary

Hello, everyone. This is Yamanaka.

Return of Sekito Clinic” has only 2 days left of its commentary session!
In the beginning, I was worried whether this blog lasts more than 1 month or not.
But now this blog contains vast amount of text and it has been updated everyday!

Today's guest for the commentary is the producer of “THE LAST REMNANT” who leads whole “THE LAST REMNANT” development team, Mr. Ueda!


Hello everybody.
And hello to “Return of Sekito Clinic” blog, This is Ueda.

It has been about a month since the release of the game “THE LAST REMNANT”.
I assume that some of you have already completed the game. But if some of you on this blog have not yet played the game, I would love for you to play the game during new-year holiday period.

I think I have done enough of promotion for the game for now LOL
I will now tell you about our history of “THE LAST REMNANT”.

It was 2 years ago when the game development had not reached the point where the game was not so much in the shape in playable from. The intriguing battle system that “THE LAST REMNANT” is known for was still under the development at the time.

The team produced the demo movie which is to share the complete production image with our development team. Our aim was to acknowledge our battle system to the rest of team who still had little knowledge about the battle system.

For the demo movie production, we required the 3 different tracks for the battle, which changes around 3 different tracks depending on the player's moral gauge.
Some of you may have already known about this, but “THE LAST REMNANT” has its unique battle system that music changes dependent on the advantages of the battle situation. We sent your requirement to Mr. Sekito to compose different music for our unique battle system. The finished tracks from Mr. Sekito was those 3 tracks of
Sword Sparks”, “Beat the Odds”, and “Reversal!”

Those 3 outstanding tracks for the battle system made a huge contribution for completing the production of the demo movie, and the demo movie motivated our team to create further greater game development.

And 2 years after when I watch the demo movie again, I still feel that what we had achieved on this demo movie is fully reflected on the finished product of “THE LAST REMNANT”.


【Mr. Yamanaka comments;】
When the music changes during the battle, I always get goose skin, especially when the player is predominant in the battle!
At that time, I remember that Mr. Sekito and I used to think the amount of tracks for the battle was so enormous that would overwhelm us.
But it has now all became good memory! LOL

We will start from 17th track on Disc3 for our commentary session.

■17.Final Decision

【Mr. Yagi comments;】
I would love for all of you to feel the important relationship between the characters, and the maturity of Rush, David, and among other characters through the story by playing this event.
For the player who has been playing the game until this event, you would get emotionally involved with the story of this event. The event would definitely make you cry!

【Mr. Sekito comments; 】
For the 1st half of the music for this event, I deliberately wrote quite subtle music in order for the player to concentrate on great dialog in each scene.
For the 2nd half of the music on the other hand, I think that I have composed music very successfully that intensify the emotional momentum to follow the story of the event.


【Mr. Yamanaka comments;】
The track is from a dungeon part of the game called “Siebenbur
As well as the track “Dark Secrets”, the feeling of the track interprets the eerie and horrific feeling in the dungeon of Siebenbur. Those feeling is emphasized in the track by, I think, solid snare sound in the rhythm part of the track.
I hope you would enjoy the track for your quest in Siebenbur.

■19.One Step(music:Yamanaka)

【Mr. Yamanaka comments;】
The track is from the last part of dungeon in the game. Sacred place of this last dungeon matches so well with this track that has chaotic feeling in the track.
The guitar part of the intro is played by Mr. Sekito. This distinctive driven sounding guitar part emphasizes roughness in the track. I processed he guitar riff with sampled electric guitar and Mr. Sekito`s electric guitar recording.

■20.The Warden and the Activator

■21.Time for Release

【Mr. Yagi comments; 】
This events follows Rush characters and the others who is facing for their last battle.
Does he unveil his character as “Evil”, or?!

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
This event really makes the player tensed up as the story face towards its last battle.


Disc3 track13th-track16th commentary

Hello, this is Sekito.
Recently, I am realizing the end of year is coming closer clearly when I notice the freezing cold weather in the mornings and the evenings.
On the day like this, I feel awkward to get out of bed. I thought of bright idea that I set my alarm on my alarm clock to 18min ahead, my cell phone to 12 min ahead, and my clock in the room to 23min ahead.
This way, those alarms would go off for me in the different timing that would make me worry to know about the exact time of the day! LOL
I do not know about you, but this works perfectly for me! LOL

Anyway, we have this “Return of Sekito Clinic” for only 3 days left! Today, we will comment from Disc3 13th track” Wheat From Chaff” today.

Let us begin!

■13.Wheat From Chaff

【Mr. Yagi comments; 】
This event shows heart warming human-drama in the story. Some of you might think that the behavior of the lord Ghor does not make any sense in the event…
No, No! that is the true man`s behavior! LOL

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
This music is a different variation of the theme for the conqueror, which I particularly
Composed the music for this event.
The characteristic of this event is that the event describes the mind of complicated conflict in each character. The event has very dramatic moments in every scene.

■14.Through the Tulgey Wood

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
This track is from Tulgey Wood, a field part of the game.
I think that the track is written to capture mysterious and magical feeling inside of the foggy deep forest.

■15.Unconditional Trust

【Mr. Yagi comments; 】
Although the length of this event is very short, the event delivers the feeling of brotherhood between Rush and Irina. The event will warm up players` heart.

【Mr. .Sekito comments;】
In this event, the behavior of Irina character is indeed very effective, and it really is heard warming story is said in this event.

■16.Echoes of the Past

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
This track is from the city that is shown in the 2nd half of the game.
For the instrumentation, I used the acoustic guitar for the melody part in order to capture the beautiful landscape of the city.


Thanks for all your messages! Vol.5

Hi all, this is Marushi, a promotion staff.

As I mentioned yesterday, we will continue introducing our received messages today.
That, of course, includes commentary from Mr. Sekito and Mr. Yamanaka.
I hope you will enjoy today`s messages!

【Message1】Dear sound department staff,
I love reading the commentary of the soundtrack on this blog!
I am enjoying updates of the commentary everyday.
I used to listen to a few of the tracks on the official “THE LAST REMNANT” website before.
I feel so glad of the fact that I can now listen to the music on this blog.

In fact, I still do not own either Xbox 360 or Playstation3 yet. I still have not played “THE LAST REMNANT”, yet.
I am a big game fan myself, I did check out the trailer of “THE LAST REMNANT” when the first announcement for the release of the game came out.

I loved the music on the trailer which gave me a goose skin when I listened to it for the first time!
I used to listen to the music endlessly on the trailer over and over.

I do not have an exact memory of the music on the trailer that I saw as the website has been updated a few times since then. I assume that the music that I love is I think the track “First Awakening”. It maybe it was a different arrangement!?
I was touched when I found the track after the updates of the website.
I hope I am not mistaking the name of the track though…

Anyway, I still feel awesome when I listen to the music on this blog. I also love the game music scene. The fact that I have not yet played the actual game make me eager to listen to the music more and more when I listen to the tracks on this blog.
I would want to listen to the tracks for a whole length for once.

The game itself seems very interesting. I am planning to buy the game.
I just wanted to let you know about how I was impressed with the music.
I am still looking forward to reading the rest of the commentary on this blog.

Thank you

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
Thanks very much for your comment, this is Sekito.
I feel honored to hear that you have a positive impression on the soundtrack just by itself!
I am not so sure whether you could categorize “game music scene” or not. LOL
But I know exactly what you are trying to say anyhow.
We have compiled the soundtrack that follows the order of the story in the game.
I think that you might enjoy imaging the game by listening to whole track when you have a spare time.

Also, our sound crews have made a huge effort to create such a quality sound production for the game. If you ever feel like playing the actual game, I would recommend you to play this awesome game!
Shall we ask what Mr. Yamanaka thinks about “The First Awakening”??

【Mr. Yamanaka comments;】
Hi there, this is Yamanaka.
To answer your question about the music of the trailer, I have a feeling that It might have been the first ever theme that we had written for the game. Sorry, if I m wrong!

The track has been arranged its variation from the music for “TGS 2007 trailer”, Disc3 “Overture TGS 2007 Mix”, to Disc1 “The first Awakening”. We have a different arrangement of it on Disc3 “Finale” also.

The closest arrangement I think is that the last part of Disc3”Overture TGS 2007 Mix
To agree with Mr. Sekito's comment. I would love for you to play the game!


Good evening.
I have been enjoying playing “THE LAST REMNANT” very much.

The other day, I was playing the game with my headphones on, without any intensions.
I realized how good the music was for the first time! I was listening to the title track over and over.

I thought that the battle tracks must sound so cool, and then I discovered that I totally love the track changes when the moral gauge moves back and forth during the battle.
That really makes me feel great!

As I was looking for the release date for the soundtrack, I just found out that Today is the release date! I think that the online shopping might take a while to deliver, so that I will buy the CD in store. I feel bad about the fact that I did not realize how great the music was while I was playing the game before.

I will definitely choose the music during the battle for my wake up alarm in the morning.
That music brings my feeling right up.
Of course I am following this blog everyday. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the commentary!

【Mr. Sekito comments;】
Thank you very much for your message, this is Sekito.

I am so glad that you are enjoying both the game and the soundtrack!
When you listen from headphones, I can actually hear more frequency band of the sound that TV speakers are unable to reproduce. .

On the game title part, you would hear two tracks “The First Awakening” and “Cherished Memories”. You might also enjoy many of different variations of those two tracks in the game.

I agree with you mentioned about the music for the battle would be suitable for a wake up alarm! LOL
I would love for you to listen to those tracks when you are in the situation that you must bring your feeling up!


I just have bought the soundtrack of “THE LAST REMNANT” online!!
I can not wait to have the CD in my hand. I will be listening to the soundtrack when I read my own message this blog! LOL
I am a big fun of Mr. Sekito since “The Brave Fencer”
As much as I like his music, I really like his sense of humor.
I am looking forward to reading your almost every track commentary session!

【Mr., Sekito comments;】
Thanks very much for the message! This is Sekito.

Oh, good old “The Brave Fencer”! LOL
The game was released 10 years ago…
Since then, my enthusiasm toward music for games has not changed the slightest.
I feel that you will enjoy “THE LAST REMNANT” as I have put all my effort to the game.
There is a lot of great music on “THE LAST REMNANT” also! LOL

Someone pointed out about my work, saying that “his work has now a little rack in color these days” LOL
This opinion may be grateful!? Or it might be not so grateful to hear!? LOL
From now on, I will try my best and challenge newer projects in the future!
I really hope to have your support!

【Marushi Akio comments; 】
Thanks for your enthusiastic messages, everyone!
Thank you very much for your messages that makes me encouraged!

We are continuing to have more and more messages from all of you for this blog.
If you have any question that needs to be answered by us, or if you want to deliver your feeling to us, please do send us your messages!

We are welcoming your massages from the link below…

Tomorrow, we will begin with Disc3 13th track commentary session.

This blog might have been reckless for a start as to update on everyday basis.
But since we have only 3 days left, we will continue this blog enthusiastically,
We hope for you to enjoy as much as you can.

Thank you!

Marushi Akio, A promotion staff