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I would like to thank everyone who has been reading “Return of Sekito Clinic”

Good evening. This is Marushi , a promotion staff.
I would like to thank everyone who has been reading “Return of Sekito Clinic” for whole month.

Looking back, this blog has improved from “almost everyday update” to “everyday update”, and it went smoothly until the final day of this blog.
For the final day, Mr. Sekito ,Mr. Yagi. And Mr. Yamanaka has greetings for everyone about this blog.

Greetings from Mr. Yagi
Good evening, this is Yagi, event planner.

“Return of Sekito Clinic” has just been a month since the first day.
Today really is the final day for the blog.

When Mr. Sekito asked me that “I would love you to do the commentary session with you for the music for event sequence” for this blog, I was worried that what I should be writing for this commentary. But I managed to finish this with the constant struggle of looking back the past memories. I would like to thank all of the reader who has been reading this blog until this final day.

On this final day of this blog, I would like to say that I want everyone to have a great fun playing “THE LAST REMNANT”.
I hope to see all of you sometime very soon.
Thank you very much!


Greetings from Mr. Yamanaka
Good evening, this is Yamanaka.

Finally, the blog “return of Sekito Clinic” has come to its end!
We used to struggle with our comments that not knowing what to write about.
But as this blog continues, we began receiving many encouraging messages from everyone. I started enjoying and having good time writing after that!

Thank you so much, everyone!

I hope to see you very soon.


Greetings from Mr. Sekito
Good evening, this is Sekito.
It is now on the final day for the blog. Has everyone had a good fun on this blog?

We have started hoping that it would be great to update every day for the blog.
As soon as we have started, I realized that t is actually so much fun doing! LOL
4 weeks flew by for only a blink of an eye. We have had a lot of ideas from Mr. Yagi, Mr. Yamanaka, and Marushi for the blog.

I am a classic optimistic guy most of the time, but I feel a little down from time to time. LOL
When I feel a little down, I must look back about this blog that I have had so much fun with.
Finally, I would like to thank to the people who have been reading this blog, who have sent us encouraging messages, and who have helped us to work this amazing blog for us.
Thank you very, very much!!!

And also…
This weekend on Dec 20th, “Jump Festa in 2009” is held in Makuhari Messe, Japan!
On Dec 20th approx. 14:00pm, Mr. Sekito is going to show his appearance in “Jump Festa in 2009” at Square-Enix Music booth.
We will be waiting all of you at Makuhari Messe.

Please do not throw something at me in the convention! LOL


Greetings from Marushi
As Mr. Sekito mentioned on his comment,
Mr. Sekito will be appearing at the convention of “Jump Festa in 2009”, which is free entrance, in Makuhari Messe, Japan!
This might be a great opportunity for meeting Mr. Sekito for everyone!

He will be appearing at Square-Enix Music booth,”Jump Festa in 2009”. His appearance time would be approx. 14:00pm.
At the Square-Enix Music booth, we will also be selling CDs of Square-Enix Music.
If some of you are still not planning of doing anything on this weekend, please feel free to visit Square-Enix Music booth! We will be selling “THE LAST REMNANT” soundtrack as well!

Again, I have just managed to do a promotion for you until right at the end of this blog. LOL

I really hope to see everyone sometime in the future!

Thank you again for reading this blog for whole month with us!

Thank you

Marushi Akio, a promotion staff