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Here are my answers!

Good evening,
This is Sekito. This is the 2nd time today for my comment.
I am answering Mr. Isogawa`s questions right now!
(Please check out the answers if you have not already read them)

Which kind of the guitar, do you play the most lately?
1. Stratocaster
2. Les Paul
3. Acoustic guitar
4. Air guitar

Normally, the answer is 4! (Joke)
But actually the answer in reality is in between 1 and 2.
The sound of Stratocaster is customized with both front and rear pick-ups replaced with Humbucker to enable the Les Paul-like sounding guitar. It also the transmitter has been changed to Orange drop and the volume knob is also replaced as well.

Which set of strings do you prefer the most?
1. D` Addario
2. Ernieball
3. Custom made guitar strings
4. Self-made strings that made from needles

The answer is 2!
I have not yet tried! LOL.
2 seems to have brighter sound, I might be wrong…

What do you use for the guitar lead the most?
1. The guitar lead from Custom Audio Japan
2. The guitar lead from Belden, which he bought from internet auction
3. The guitar lead from unknown brand

The answer is 2! You know the answer perfectly!
I use Belden8412 cable with Jack lead headed.
I sometimes use 1 and 3, too though. I do have those 10 other guitar leads.

How did you record your guiar part in the studio?
1. Recorded by in line recording
2. Recorded by one take
3. Reamp technique
4. Mr. Sekito did not play the guitar for the recording in the first place

I mix between 1, 2, and 3 when I record the guitar. For the backing guitar part,
Usually I use 2 and 3. For the lead guitar part, I use 1 mostly.
For acoustic guitar part, the way of 4 can be done, too.

Which magazines do you read the most lately?
1. The Young guitar
2. The Guitar magazine
3. Moe! Magazine

I usually read 1 and 2 with the edition of 1 month old-not the up-to-date edition! LOL
I have not read 3 just yet.

Which is the most outstanding joke of yours among other 108 jokes?
1. The first one
2. The 108th one
3. The hidden joke of the 216th

The answer would be 2 for this year`s the end of year bash ,, maybe. LOL
Didn’t I use to say 3 in the past ???

Which dialog is it that each character have the least of their conversations in the game of
1.Rush, saying ”Irena!”
2.Irena, saying ”Rush!”
3.David, saying ”Yes my Lord!”

My straight answer is 3 !

As you consider both the quantity and quality of all, Which product is the worthwhile for you, personally?
1. The soundtrack of “THE LAST REMNANT!” including 3CDset.
2. “Steak lunch” with Ice coffee, only available during lunch time at Sue**ro- restaurant-chain.

I would nearly choose to say 2… But the answer is 1 this time!

【Mr. Sekito comments; 】
Please send us as much messages as you can.
I will be answering all the questions like today.
You can send your comments and questions by clicking the banner of “THE LAST REMNANT” page.
(Please register as a member of “Square Enix MEMBERS” before sending your messages)

It would be great to have your questions and messages.

Thank you